Learn about Holley Church
We are a group of ordinary people who have been changed by the incredible love of Jesus Christ. Our dream is to be a church that makes a difference in the lives of the people we come in contact with and in our community. We believe church should be meaningful, relevant, fun and valuable for the whole family – a place where we can thrive in our relationship with God and with each other.
Holley Church is a casual, contemporary, Christian Church whose mission is to love God, love others and serve our community in practical ways!
Our passion is inviting people to a relationship with Jesus, connecting people with others and serving our community to make a positive impact.
Learn more about what we believe
We believe the Bible, inspired by God, is His written word to us. We allow the Bible to define our worldview...what is right
and wrong, proper and improper.
2 Timothy 3:16, Psalm 119:105,160.
We believe Jesus, God revealed in human form, is the One and Only Son of God, who died for our sins and rose from the dead.
1 Corinthians 15:1-8, 1 Timothy 3:16
We believe an individual's salvation in the complete biblical sense is only found in Jesus. We believe we are all in continual need of Jesus' saving grace.
John 14:1-6, Acts 4:8-12, 1 John 1:8-10
We believe salvation is received by faith, which is believing and obeying God's Word, trusting in Jesus' death on a cross for us, and being baptized into Him.
Mark 16:16
Kevin Hill
Kevin Hill is our Lead Pastor or as we like to call him, Chief Strategist! Before moving to Sweet Home in 2001, Kevin pastored churches in Idaho and California. He graduated Summa Cum Laude from Boise Bible College in 1987 and is the recipient of the National Church Growth Award as an outstanding student in the field of evangelism and church growth.
But that's just the fancy stuff! Pastor Kevin is down-to-earth, real, and communicates God's message in practical ways. He has led our church to be involved in our community in countless ways and served for 19 years on the Sweet Home Public Library board. In addition, he coaches other Pastors around the state.
Kevin Hill
Lead Pastor
Growing up I didn’t learn everything I needed to know. It’s taken God’s unrelenting love over the years to even bring me to the level of spiritual understanding I now have and I’m not anywhere near where I should be. My saving grace is that God uses the foolish and the weak to accomplish His work here on earth (1 Corinthians 1:26-27)! My work’s passion is to help other foolish and weak people, who like me are loved by God, be more than they ever dreamed possible because of Jesus’ continual work in their life. Along those lines, to the best of my ability, I lead Holley Church to focus on the things of God which will change and improve our lives and the lives of our community as a whole.
I love Sweet Home and, more importantly, God does as well! Besides as a Lynyrd Skynyrd fan, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to move here. It may not be Alabama, but it’s a real Sweet Home to me!
Did you know? I used to own a very successful Comic Book & Sports Card Business
Dave/Lydia Hull
Pastoral Shepherds
Dave & Lydia first came to Holley Church in the Fall of 2008. On their first Sunday, Pastor Kevin was telling a story from his childhood about a streaker that went through the town he lived in in the 3rd grade. Dave & Lydia immediately began whispering to themselves and several of us thought we'd never see them again! Well, it turns out that Dave's son was a childhood friend of Kevin's and Dave was friends with Kevin's parents. He remembered the streaker story well as he was there. Small world! Dave & Lydia have been a beloved part of our church family since that day.
Dave & Lydia are naturally gifted at caring for people and their needs. They use these talents in a God-honoring way as our Pastoral Shepherds. If you've ever been the recipient of one of Dave's hugs or Lydia's caring phone calls, you'll know just what we mean. Holley Church is a better place with the Hull Family.
Did you know? Dave has the most beautiful bass voice and Lydia was born in England
Jennifer Hill
Church Administrator/Children's Director
I love using my God-given skills of organization and attention to detail to help build God’s church. I often describe my job this way: the leadership draws the picture and I color it in. Being “the biggest kid in the room” helps fulfill my mission to show kids how much fun serving Jesus really is.
I intend on having a conversation with God about mice, rats, spiders, bats and weeds at the appropriate time.
I exhibit addictive behavior when it comes to Cheetos and Twinkies and I am still ruminating on what I want to be when I grow up.
In case you didn't know: my junior year of high school, I fell off the riser right in the middle of my choir solo.
Kezia Brodie
Assistant Children's Director
Sunday is my favorite day of the week because I get to serve and help in any way I can, wherever I can. I love it!
I love our Children's Ministry and the kids God brings here. I am passionate about making sure they know how special and loved they are by God.
Being outdoors and hiking is my other happy place. The weather doesn't prevent me from going out into the forest and finding hidden waterfalls and views you wouldn't see any other way are among my favorites. My longest hike was 26.7 miles in one day!
Fun Fact: I love to rescue animals on the road and set them safely to the side. I even rescued a snake so it wouldn't get smooshed...I found out later it was poisonous.
Vickie Procknow
Nursery Director
I began serving in our children’s program in 2003 and said “yes” to the invitation to be the Nursery Director in the summer of 2006. I enjoy using my background in education to serve Jesus. Three words that describe me best would be: happy, calm and loyal.
In my spare time, I love “crafting.” I often do bazaars and have a facebook site where I sell items. The best thing about crafting is the items I make to give away: Hats for cancer & NICU patients and washclothes that are sent to our missionaries in Bolivia for baby-washing days. I also really enjoy teaching people how to knit.
Guess what? I lived in Guam while my husband was in the military.
James/Amanda Wilde
After moving to Sweet Home from Springfield we decided to look for a church. Someone recommended we give Holley a try and we knew we were home.
We love to serve and it's an honor to be able to use our gifts to serve the Lord on the Worship and Sound Teams.
In our spare time we are passionate about voluneering at a local nonprofit.
We enjoy RC cars, building projects, crafting, party planning and decorating.
Fun facts: Amanda is from Texas and loves Dr. Pepper, southern cooking and singing twangy country. James, a native Oregonian, loves to work on things and BBQ!